Don’t wait to get good at virtual.

Back in the spring, we all did what we could. We fired up Zoom, we pivoted in-person meetings and events to virtual, and we limped along. We figured things would be back to normal pretty soon.

Now we know that virtual is the new normal. Even when we can go back into offices and conference rooms, virtual will be a  much bigger part of everyday operations. 

I can tell you what the other Ignite coaches and I have been noticing.  People want to connect. They are hungry for meaningful conversations and learning. They are ready to engage. And the technology is here to help, but we have to use it thoughtfully.

This means being exceptionally intentional about how you plan and implement your virtual interaction. What are you there for? What do you hope to accomplish? How do you want people to feel when they log off? And what will you do to make them feel that way?

So now is the time to build this skillset. Now is the time to think intentionally about how to build trust online, how to create and implement virtual events that are worth attending, and what it means to help people forge relationships in a virtual classroom.

Get in touch with us. We are coaching our clients to sell, present, speak, teach, and facilitate virtually. More than that, we are helping our clients develop a new skill that will serve them, no matter what the future holds. 

Beyond vanilla

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