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So Long For Now


Hi friends! This will be my last blog post for a while. I have been playing with the idea of phasing out this element of my creative work for a month or so, and it feels like the time has come. I want to thank you for reading, for sharing my posts with others, and ... Continue Reading

It’s Not About You


When in doubt, remember: It’s not about you.  That presentation, that difficult conversation, that speech—it’s not about you. Even when the topic is you, it’s not about you. It’s about the person or people you’re talking to. That’s what they’re thinking about, so that’s what you should be thinking about.

Good Public Speaking Isn’t Magic


There seems to be an inherent insecurity around being able to accomplish good public speaking consistently. Even people who are skilled speakers worry about “losing the magic” or not being “in the zone.” I get it—I’ve definitely had experiences when it feels like a talk I’m giving reaches a place it hasn’t gone before, where ... Continue Reading

The Voice in Your Head


When you have to do something you don’t want to do, how do you talk to yourself about it?  I guess I’ll get it over with. This isn’t fair. I’ll probably screw this up. There are a million reasons I shouldn’t have to do this. I’m always bad at this. I’m resentful, so I’ll won’t ... Continue Reading

Zoom vs In-Person: The Science is In


Research has just come out that tracks neural activity between people interacting on Zoom and compares it to activity between people interacting in person. The results are definitely in line with what I, and lots of people I’ve talked to, have experienced in our virtual environment. The lead researcher, Yale neuroscientist Joy Hirsch, said, “Zoom ... Continue Reading

Don’t Look Rushed


This one’s a re-post: enjoy! Even if you’re late to the meeting, don’t look rushed. Even if the speaker before you cut into your time by ten minutes, don’t look rushed. Even if you overcommitted and have two other places to be, don’t look rushed. Looking rushed is a default intention. It’s an effort we’re ... Continue Reading