In the Media: Podcast: Whiskey, Jazz, and Leadership w/Galen Bingham

Podcast Image - Whiskey, Jazz & Leadership with Galen Bingham

Galen is one of my favorite new colleagues who I’ve never met in person! He and I did some work together last year and have been looking for other ways to collaborate. His insightful and thought-provoking podcast really dives into what it means to be working in the leadership space, what we need to be thinking about, and what the business imperatives are. We also talked about my book! Galen let me stay and talk to him even though I wasn’t drinking whiskey (thanks, Galen!)

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As a speaker, Angie has delivered keynotes, appeared on many podcasts, and served as a guest speaker for professional programs and courses. She can talk about just about anything, but her favorite topics are leadership development, communication, and what makes people tick.

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