You can create something that changes lives without leaving home.

My clients tend to have a few things in common. They are very smart, they are accomplished, and they want to share what they know with other people.  That makes sense–I coach people to bring their message to others, and when you have something important to share, you want to make sure you’re communicating with impact.

Lately, I’ve been coaching people who are bringing a different dream to life–launching a podcast. This work inspired me to create a new offering, a small group coaching experience called the Podcast Catalyst: Everything You Need to Love Your Voice, Nail Your Content, and Engage Your Audience.

If you think this might be for you, please email me (you can just reply to this post!). This coaching group will be limited to nine people so that everyone gets individual attention, and I will also be leading the group experience so that you get support from folks on the same journey


I would love to have you join me. I would be honored to help you bring your podcast to life.


If this isn’t for you, but you know someone else who is ready to make this jump, please forward this email to them!


Have you dreamed of launching your own podcast? Our first ever small group coaching experience will bring you from idea to implementation. Check out the Podcast Catalyst: Everything you need to love your voice, nail your content, and engage your audience!


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