Face to face, shoulder to shoulder

Face to face
Shoulder to shoulder
Toe to toe
Elbow room
Heart to heart


Our language is full of phrases that describe what it feels like to be physically near one another. They evoke our need to be together in person. When we work shoulder to shoulder, we know that the whole team is pulling together in the same direction. When we go hand in hand, we face (there it is again!) together whatever is coming.


To go hand in hand 
Pinky promise 
To be a shoulder to cry on


All of these idioms bring pictures to my mind. People close together, working on the same thing, being there for each other for emotional support.


I don’t know about you, but I miss that right now. A lot. I know that I have taken for granted the ability to be in the same room as others, working together—in rehearsal for a play, or gathered for a workshop, or sitting together for a coaching session. And the fact that these phrases are embedded in our language tells me that we will find a way to be together again, working side by side.


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Making (fake) eye contact

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