Bust a hole in the wall

I mentioned in a recent post that my husband Charlie was renovating our laundry room (It’s done, by the way! Looks awesome!)  In order to do the work, Charlie needed to knock a hole in an existing wall.


The moment of creating the hole is one of commitment. Once I do this, I have to go forward. There will be drywall dust and exposed studs and much more work to do.  We may hesitate before wielding the sledgehammer—what will happen next? Do I have what it takes to finish this?


We can also think about something we want to do and create a “bust a hole in it” kind of commitment. Sign up for the triathlon before you start training,   volunteer to speak at the conference three months from now, or pre-sell the online course before it’s completely designed.  The hole demands the work; it keeps the next steps front and center.


What do you need to bust a hole in, to create the commitment to move forward?


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