
Ignite your power to communicate.

We coach people to make a fundamental shift in the way they understand their own power to communicate.

We help people feel seen and heard so that they can do their best work.

“It was very engaging. Most virtual training can be boring and make you feel disconnected. The Ignite staff did a great job making it a fun learning experience.”

Presenting with Impact participant

“One aspect of this program that surprised me was getting to work with my teammates on something not completely work related! We got  to collaborate on an activity that will better serve us in the workplace but it was also a chance to build camaraderie. “

Conversational Agility participant

“One of the lessons I’ll apply from this program is the ability to refine future presentations that truly meet the intent of the message, and what I want the audience to take away from the presentation. It taught me to think more from an audience perspective, asking the ‘so what.'”

Public Speaking Catalyst participant

“I learned how to use my voice, posture, and non-verbals in a virtual setting.”

Presenting with Impact participant

“Those who speak ‘intentionally’ are the people who outshine. I always thought it was natural (a built-in talent).”

“I wish this was part of everyone’s training at [our company].”

“I will stop thinking about my response while others are talking.”

“… the ‘yes and’ phrase can help get more out of everyone.”

“I noticed that I am not listening enough. I tend to try to jump in when really I should let silence sit.”

“I learned to stop going right to my agenda but rather assess where my audience is and how to best bring them into the conversation and surface their needs.”

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