What if it’s not?

About five years ago I was working with a coach. In one of our sessions, I was talking about something I should probably do, a task that seemed easy, but that I had a lot of anxiety about. “It’s just going to be so hard!,” I remember saying.

What he said next has stuck with me more than anything else from those coaching sessions.

“What if it’s not?”

What if it’s not? What if it’s the story you’re telling yourself about it that’s hard? What if you’re creating what’s difficult? What if you take away the burden of thinking it’s hard, and then…it just isn’t anymore?

Those four words have helped me immeasurably. Try it out and let me know—what story can you let go of? How can you decide something is easy, and have it be so?

On a light note: the subject of this parody article could use the “what if it’s not?” advice.

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