“The Way You Listen to Me is Not My Fault”

“The way you listen to me is not my fault.” 

This gem comes to you courtesy of my husband, Charlie. We were chatting recently as we both got ready for the day, and as sometimes happens, my mouth got way ahead of my ears. I had asked him several questions, then barreled on, not really taking in his answers. I was tuned into my own thoughts and agenda, while still theoretically talking and listening, and I repeated a question Charlie had already answered. 

As a result, his mild-mannered comment: “The way you listen to me is not my fault.”

Wow. That hit me like a truth-bomb. Here I am, talking all day long about active listening, and I’m not taking the opportunity to practice when it counts the most. The worst part was that I knew it was far from the the first time I had done this.

If I want to hear, I need to stop, turn off the chatter in my own mind, and listen. 

The way I listen is my responsibility.

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