
I don’t know about you, but the internet is giving me a lot of advice about what I should be doing during the stay-at-home order.


Make the most of this time! 
Develop that side hustle! 
Train for an Iron Man! 
Learn a new language!
Bake bread!
Spend time with your family!
Spend time with yourself!


The comment that resonated with me most, though, was something I heard in a documentary I was watching recently. A CrossFit athlete, Katrin Davidsdottir, said that she learned a lot about her fellow athletes, not from how they competed, but how they rested in the minutes between events.


She noticed that some looked defeated, some were focused, and some were visibly excited about the chance to compete again. This resting attitude translated into their success in the competition.


As we are figuring out how to use this time, it’s worth thinking about how you’re resting.  Are you recovering  so you can go again? Are you focused? Are you excited?


If the answer isn’t what you want it to be, what can you change?

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