


This week I am applying Ignite CSP’s coaching framework to our commitment to antiracism and the Black Lives Matter movement.


On Monday I wrote about intention, the driver of communication, and yesterday about alignment, the behavior generated by intention. Today I’m looking at practice, the third element of the process.


Practice is the least interesting part of most skill-building, but it is crucial. Today I am reminding myself that change is not possible except through practice. And engaging in practice means that I will make mistakes, I will fail, and I will learn.


The idea of failing, especially in an area as crucial as antiracism, is scary to me. I don’t want to make mistakes. But more vitally, doing nothing because I’m afraid of messing up isn’t an option.


Practice. Practice interrogating my intentions. Practice bringing my actions into alignment. Practice having tough conversations. Practice, and mess up, and try again.


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