One more thing about the deadliness of webinars…

Before you create a slide deck and record a webinar, please ask yourself this question:

Does this need to be a webinar? Is a webinar the best way for me to get this information to its intended audience?

If the answer is yes, this needs to be a webinar, here’s the next question:

How will people who don’t learn well from a recording get this information? What can you do to supplement their learning? 

Confession time: this is about me (surprise surprise.) I have a hard time watching long educational videos. In general, I learn much more efficiently when I can read the information rather than watch it. In addition to learning preference, this can be an accessibility issue. Can you pair your video with captions or a transcript in order to reach more people?

The passive nature of a webinar means you have to work hard to be engaging. Giving your audience several ways to interact with your material is a win-win.

What’s your webinar pet peeve? Or if you just love to watch a webinar, tell me why!

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