It’s My Birthday, and I’ll Blog if I Want to…

As you probably know, my book Before You Say Anything: How to Have Better Conversations, Love Public Speaking, and Finally Know What to Do with Your Hands came out recently. Readers and clients have been emailing and texting, and here’s some of what I’ve heard:

“I recommend this fantastic book for really just about everyone. I learned so much, not just for professional but personal communication!”

“Congrats Angie! I hope your book is a fantastic part of the important work you do for and with people!”

“I can’t wait to give this a read! Your team helped me so much on my communication journey!! Congrats.”

Also, today’s my birthday, and I’m expecting my first shipment of the book to arrive on my doorstep. In the meantime, I’m enjoying this and other pictures from readers!

As a reader of this blog, you already know some of what you’ll see in the book. Is there someone you know who would appreciate it and benefit? Send them to this link to order from their fave online bookseller, or this one to get the paperback or ebook from Amazon!

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