Information, skill, and practice

A new friend of mine, Ginger Davis Allman, wrote something really smart recently that she said I could borrow for you. Here it is:

There’s a difference between SKILL and INFORMATION. My students often assume something is a talent, so they seek information, not realizing that what they’re missing is a skill. Skills come from practice. Doing the thing. 

The other Ignite coaches and I joke that many of our clients would rather do almost anything than practice the skills we’re coaching. They don’t mind talking about being better public speakers. They don’t mind looking at their slides or notes. They’ll discuss the theory of being a good speaker, and they’ll even talk about great ways to practice.  But when the moment comes to stand up and actually “do the thing” as Ginger says, they say, “What, right now? You want me to just…do it?”

Yes.  All the other stuff is just information. Information is helpful, but you have to apply it by actually doing. 

Practice is the link between information and skill.

Learn more about Ginger’s work here:

And read what she wrote about information, practice, and skill here:

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