How can I practice public speaking without speaking in public?

Lately I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole on the website Quora. Have you seen this? Anyone can ask any question, and people from all over the world chime in to answer it. It’s fascinating.


I did a search for “public speaking,” and the list of questions went on for pages. They covered pretty much what I would have guessed: lots of questions about nervousness and anxiety, wondering how best to practice, and what good resources are to improve public speaking.


The question that became the title for this post gets at the heart of what baffles people about public speaking.  “I can’t practice public speaking if I’m not speaking in public, so where can I go? How do I get the practice?”


The great news is that you can practice anywhere and everywhere. All speaking is public speaking (unless you’re talking to yourself, and even then you can practice!) Anytime you are talking to others, you’re using the same tools you’d be using if you were up in front of a large group. You’re formulating ideas and thoughts, translating them into words, choosing your vocal tone and gestures and cadence.


Practice public speaking by being thoughtful about everyday communication. “How do I want to come across in this meeting? How can I make myself more clear? I know I sometimes speak quickly; let me practice intentionally slowing down during this conversation with my team.”


The more aware we are of our habits, the more intentional we can be about using them. Then, when the big opportunity comes to speak in front of a crowd, we’re more prepared because we know our own instrument that much better.


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