Creating Virtual Events–#1

Ignite CSP has been working with a client for the past few weeks on designing and producing virtual events. There are a couple of big take-aways I want to share.

A great thing about virtual events is they are easy to attend. We don’t have to pack, travel, get a hotel, or even leave our couch. 

That is also the bad thing about virtual events. The barrier to participation is so low that the producer needs to promise the moon just to get people to sign up (and this is no guarantee that they’ll actually attend). In a world when we can stream anything, any time, why do we care about showing up for your event?

If you’re the producer, it’s worth spending a good amount of time pondering this question. What’s the purpose of the event? What will pull people to it? What value can you offer them that is irreplaceable?

Is the value in connecting with the other people attending? Is the value in what you will create together while you’re there? Is the value that this event will never happen again? Is the value in the extremely timely information or education they will receive?

If you can’t answer the question “What is the value of this event for my intended audience,” you’re not ready. Go back to the drawing board.

Judging vs. understanding

Creating Virtual Events–#2

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