Competing Commitments

Lately I am finding myself in the middle of competing commitments.

I have committed to directing a play, Jeeves Intervenes, that opens on February 5. 

I have committed to the William C. Friday Fellowship for Human Relations, a two-year journey in which the fifth seminar takes place this week.

I have committed to an engagement to speak for the Leadership for Equity series  next month.

Like all of us, I have family and work commitments as well that don’t vanish just because I said “yes” to a lot of things that are happening all at the same time. Oh, and I have some commitments I’ve made to myself, too.

How do you prioritize when everything fees like it’s top priority? What wins? What gets short shrift? How do you feel when everything is happening at once? Do you ever wonder after the fact if you could have prioritized differently and been effective?

This week, I’m asking you for your patience. I’m going to share some archived posts that might have gotten lost in the shuffle, and I hope they resonate with you.

See you on the other side!

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